PCOS Bootcamp

Manage your PCOS with our 8-week educational bootcamp, offering expert guidance and resources for symptom relief.



The founder

Level 3 Pre and Post Natal Qualified

Before I started training and coaching, I suffered from PCOS symptoms that imposed on my self-confidence, motivation, and self-image in terms of my body. I found it really hard to love myself and I thought that it was impossible to look and feel my best because of the hormonal imbalances that PCOS comes with.

I started training when I was at a really low point in my life, and I noticed very quickly how the gym became a place of meditation, and somewhere I could really invest in myself and love myself for an hour every day. I’ve been training for four years now, I’ve lost weight, gained weight, and understood my body, and I wanted others to have this experience too.

I started my online coaching program because I love helping people and I think that women shouldn’t feel disadvantaged by a medical predisposition. I’m a qualified PT and my goal is to help women understand their bodies, by strengthening themselves, loving themselves, and not feel limited by the symptoms that PCOS may impose on them.


PCOS & Gut Health Expert

Nishtha has over a decade of experience in functional/ lifestyle medicine and clinical nutrition. Whilst her area of specialism is gut health, she has extensive experience in supporting women with PCOS and hormone health. Having worked at the esteemed London clinic of Nutrition, where she saw dozens of patients with these conditions.

Her work with PCOS and hormone health involves utilising advanced nutritional strategies and personalised care plans to manage symptoms and improve overall well – being. She focuses on root cause medicine. Why is someone sick in the first place, what is driving the problem and why can’t they get better. She looks at genetics, environment, emotional stressors and so much more!

She is dedicated to helping women understand and address the complexities of hormone imbalances whilst providing an empathetic and evidence based support to enhance their quality of life.

Instagram – @thegutexpert_


PCOS & Fertility Expert

Angela is a Nutritionist with 16 years’ experience in fertility and pregnancy. She runs a successful London based clinic and manages a team of Nutritionists working with many UK and international clients.

Angela is the go-to professional for many people who had a difficult fertility journey and are also looking for support in preparation for IVF. As well as running her own clinic Angela lectures to degree level on Fertility and Pregnancy and has lectured in the UK and internationally to Nutritionists alongside Paediatricians and gynaecologists from the UK and America. She regularly collaborates with companies to support training and has supported labs in the UK in training and webinars over the last 16 years.

She runs peer mentoring for newly qualified Nutritional Therapist and regularly supports conferences and events around hormones and fertility. Angela has maintained a close working relationship with many UK and international IVF clinics to support women going through Assisted Methods.

Instagram – @fertilitynutritionist

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my clients

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Don't limit your

your limits